Pablo Picasso / Sculpteur Avec Son Modele, Sa Sculpture Et Un Bol D'Anemones (Sculptor with His Model, His Sculpture, and a Bowl of Anemones) from the Vollard Suite Présenté par Masterworks Fine Art

Pablo PICASSO - Sculpteur Avec Son Modele, Sa Sculpture Et Un Bol D'Anemones (Sculptor with His Model, His Sculpture, and a Bowl of Anemones) from the Vollard Suite

Présenté par Masterworks Fine Art

  • Année
  • Technique
  • Dimensions de l'image
    25,4 x 17,8 cm / 10.0 x 7.0 in
  • Dimensions du papier
    43,2 x 33,0 cm / 17.0 x 13.0 in
  • Tirage
    From the edition of 260 on Montval laid paper with the Vollard watermark published by Ambroise Volla
  • Prix
    Sur demande
  • Référence
    Baer 308, Bloch 150
  • Visite(s)
  • État
Pablo PICASSO - Sculpteur Avec Son Modele, Sa Sculpture Et Un Bol D'Anemones (Sculptor with His Model, His Sculpture, and a Bowl of Anemones) from the Vollard Suite

Created in 1933, Pablo Picasso Deux Femmes Regardant une Tête Sculptée (Two Women looking at a Sculpted Head) is an etching on Montval laid paper. Hand signed by Pablo Picasso (Malaga, 1881 – Mougins, 1973) in pencil in the lower right margin, from the edition of 260 on Montval laid paper with the Vollard watermark published by Ambroise Vollard, Paris.

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